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18 Wheeler Wrecks

We all know when 18 Wheeler Accidents happen, the results can be devastating. What many folks may not know is that Truck Drivers and Trucking Companies are required follow strict regulations to ensure your safety on the road. Examples of these Violations include too many hours on the road, improper load and violations of weight restrictions.

The Mississippi Injury Attorneys at Roberts Wilson, P.A. know what to investigate and what questions to ask to find out who is responsible. In any injury case, it is always an advantage to get the investigation started as soon as possible  so important evidence is not lost. Roberts Wilson, P.A. can dispatch an accident investigator immediately to preserve and gather evidence in many situations.  You can bet the 18-Wheeler truck insurer will have someone on the scene within hours.

For a Free Initial Consultation, you can call us at (662) 533-9111. An Injury Attorney or representative of our firm is also available to come to your home or visit you in the hospital. Wherever you live, if we take your case, we can come to you.

The Mississippi Injury Attorneys at Roberts Wilson, P.A. can Stop the Chaos after an 18-wheeler Accident, protect your rights and get you the settlement you or your family deserve.

You may be wondering How The Process Works. While every case is different, the following generally occurs in most cases after we are hired:

  • Take Photos of Vehicles
  • Investigate the Accident Scene
  • Stop All Communications Between Our Client and Insurance Companies
  • Contact The Person Who Caused The Wreck or Their Insurance Company
  • Contact Our Client’s Insurance Company
  • Check For Uninsured Motorist Coverage
  • Gather Medical Records
  • Demand Settlement
  • Negotiate With The Insurance Company
  • File Suit If Insurance Company Won’t Pay What Client Deserves!

Results Matter
$2.1 Mil
Defective Prescription Drugs
$1 Mil
Severe Burn Case
Environmental Damages Case